
Q: Can I browse for items in the online catalog?


How to browse the catalog by call number:

  1. From the library home page select the "Books" tab.
  2. Select the "GIL Universal Catalog" link. 
  3. Click the "Browse Search" link in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  4. You can browse the catalog by subject, author, title, or call number. You can choose between the different types of browsing using the drop-down menu next to "Browse by."
  5. Click "Browse Search"Enter your subject term, author, title, or call number, then click the magnifying glass to search.
    • To browse by author, choose "By author" from the drop-down menu, then enter the author's last name. You will get a list of all the authors in the catalog in alphabetical order by last name.
    • To browse by title, choose "By title," then enter the title of a book. You will get a list of all the books in the catalog starting with the title you entered.
    • To browse by subject, choose "By subject," then enter the Library of Congress Subject Heading. You will get a list of all the subjects in the catalog in alphabetical order. You need to use the official Library of Congress Subject Headings for this type of browsing to work.
    • To browse by call number, choose "Library of Congress call numbers," then enter the book's call number. You will get a list of all the books in the order they are on the library shelf, starting with that call number.
  1. Click a book title to get more information about it.

For help finding a book in the library, use our FAQ on how to read call numbers or ask a librarian for assistance.

For more information

If you have questions about campus computers or software, please contact UITS.

For more help, call or visit:

Kennesaw: Sturgis Library Checkout Desk (Ground floor) 470-578-6202

Marietta: Johnson Library Checkout Desk (1st floor) 470-578-7276

Last updated

Last Updated

Apr 13, 2022


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