Q: How many books can I check out? Is there a limit?
The number of books you can check out depends on what type of library user you are.
For the most up-to-day information on how many books patrons may check out, see the Loan Policies Library System webpage and select the type patron you are. There are also different limits depending on where you got the book:
Undergraduate students: 30 books
Graduate students: 30 books
Faculty/Staff: 100 books
GIL Express
All KSU Library users can have a maximum of 100 books checked out through GIL Express.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Undergraduate students: 15 new items per day and 15 active requests (books or articles) at one time
Graduate students: 15 new items per day and 30 active requests (books or articles) at one time
Faculty/Staff: 30 new items per day and 60 active requests (books or articles) at one time
For other borrowing privileges, see the Borrowing link under Services in the sidebar menu on the left of the library homepage.