Complete all form fields making sure to click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
We offer the following instruction options :
Synchronous Guest Lecture
Asynchronous Learning Support Materials
Course Integration (multiple services that may include guest lectures, asynchronous learning materials, and class-wide research appointments)
You may request that a synchronous guest lecture be held in your classroom, online, or in the Sturgis Library G-12 classroom (seats 42). Please make sure to use our date scheduler for all synchronous requests.
You will be contacted via email when you class time is approved and a librarian is assigned.
General Orientations
Our Library System welcomes you to embed our first-year orientation modules into your course D2L. Our Orientation Homepage includes Instructions for Faculty and Students that will help you embed these modules into your course.
Notes about library instruction sessions:
Requests must be made with 14 days advance notice.
Faculty must be present for all library instruction classes. If you cannot be present, we will be happy to reschedule your class.
We require all requests for synchronous guest lecture sessions be accompanied by a research assignment.
For questions about our instruction offerings or to change your instruction reservation after you have submitted it, contact Kristina Clement at 470-578-2791,