While the Library will help you research your topic, we aren't able to check your citations.
The best place to go for citation help is the KSU Writing Center.
Many databases, though, have a citation function. When you click on the title of a result, there will often be a link on the right-hand side that reads "Cite." By clicking this link, you will be given a computer-generated citation. Since it is computer-generated, it may not be correct. Always check your citation manual or the KSU Writing Center before using a computer-generated citation in an assignment.
Also, you can view the KSU Writing Center's handouts page. This page includes resources on AP, APA, Chicago, IEEE, and MLA. The Sturgis Library also offers many official citation manuals as well as the RefWorks citation management software.
Avoiding Plagiarism
While working on your paper you will probably use a number of books, articles, journals, reports, lectures, interviews and more. When presenting ideas developed by others, don't forget to provide a reference every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s ideas, theories or data. You must acknowledge the sources you used in your analysis and research.
The source must be referenced whether it is:
- published or unpublished
- electronic or hard copy
- text based or audio/visual
If you don't cite the sources properly you might be accused of plagiarism. This is when you copy someone else's ideas or work as if it is yours — whether intentional or unintentional. You can even be accused of plagiarism if you reuse your own previous work without citing it (this is called self-plagiarism).
Students that plagiarize anyone's work could face disciplinary action. For more information see the KSU Student Code of Conduct.