Q: Where can I find pro/con information about a topic?
You can start with these databases: CQ Researcher or SIRS Issues Researcher. You can find them under the "Databases By Title" link on our homepage. Find them in alphabetical order.
CQ Researcher: "The consistent, reader-friendly organization provides researchers with an introductory overview, which includes three pro-con debates; a background and chronology on the topic; an assessment of the current situation; tables and maps; a pro/con debate by representatives of opposing positions; and bibliographies of key sources." (from their About Page)
SIRS Issues Researcher: "Analysis and opinions cover the pros, cons, and everything in between on the most researched and debated social issues. Issues are organized from major topical areas into Leading Issues, and then broken down to Pro/Con subtopics. Each Pro/Con subtopic provides a brief overview, critical thinking questions, timeline, and an instructional research guide." (from ProQuest's LibGuide on SIRS)
Also look in the Library catalog, for titles in these series: Opposing Viewpoints or Issues in Focus. The catalog link is under the Books tab on the homepage.