Q: How do I find information about a country? I need economic, political and cultural information about a particular country.
Information about countries can be found in many places. SuperSearch is a good place to find books, articles, and more all at once. You can get to SuperSearch through the library homepage. SuperSearch is the search box in the center of the page.
We also have a number of databases specifically targeted to country information. You can get to them by clicking "Find a Database" under the SuperSearch box on the library homepage. You will see an alphabetical list of all databases in our collection.
Some databases that might be useful are:
- Business Source Complete (Company Search Interface) — use Country Reports under the Browse box on the right side of the page
- Mergent Online — use Country Profile in bottom right corner of the page
- eHRAF World Cultures
- Europa World
- Political Handbook of the World
- World Development Indicators
- Columbia International Affairs Online — click on CIAO country data and maps
We also have a number of reference books available that you can find in our catalog. Use the link under the first tab on our homepage.
- Countries and their cultures
Call Number: GN307 .C68 2001
Available electronically. Volumes 1-4 are also available at both Johnson Library in Marietta and Sturgis Library Reference Collection in Kennesaw. - A guide to countries of the world (4th edition)
Available electronically. A previous edition is also available at Sturgis Library in Kennesaw.- A guide to countries of the world (3rd edition)
Call Number: G103.5 .S68 2010
Available at Sturgis Library Reference Collection in Kennesaw.
- A guide to countries of the world (3rd edition)
- The CultureShock! series
62 volumes are available electronically through the library. - Kiss, bow, or shake hands, sales and marketing
Call number: HF5389 .M674 2012
Available at Sturgis Library General Collection in Kennesaw.
Previous titles in the series include:- Kiss, bow, or shake hands: Asia: how to do business in 12 Asian countries
Call number: HF5389.3.L3 M67 2007 - Kiss, bow, or shake hands: Latin America: how to do business in 18 Latin American countries
Call number: HF5389.3.L3 M67 2007 - Kiss, bow, or shake hands: Europe: how to do business in 25 European countries
Call number: HF5389 .M67 2007 - Kiss, bow, or shake hands: the bestselling guide to doing business in more than 60 countries
Call number: HF5389 .M67 2006
- Kiss, bow, or shake hands: Asia: how to do business in 12 Asian countries
- The world encyclopedia of flags: the definitive guide to international flags, banners, standards and ensigns
Call Number: CR191 .Z53 2002
Available at Sturgis Library Reference Collection in Kennesaw.
Online Sources
- World Factbook from the Central Intelligence Agency
- Country Background Notes from the US State Department
- Country Studies from the Library of Congress
- World Health Organization
- World Bank
Research Guides
You can find all of our research guides by clicking the Research Guides tab on the library homepage.
For more information
For more help, email the Research and Instructional Services department, or call or visit:
Kennesaw: Sturgis Library Checkout Desk (Ground floor) 470-578-6202
Marietta: Johnson Library Checkout Desk (1st floor) 470-578-7276