Q: How do I access Hoovers Company Capsules and Profiles?
You can access Hoover's Company Profiles by searching in the database Business Market Research Collection. Business Market Research Collection has company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, and Snapshots.
To find Hoover's Company Profiles in this database, follow these steps:
Enter the company ticker symbol in the search box, then choose "Ticker Symbol" from the "Anywhere" menu. If you don't know the company ticker symbol, you can search by company name instead.
Scroll down the Advanced Search page to the "Document Type" box. Check the "Company Profile" box.
Click search.
You can also find information from Hoover's through Mergent Intellect. Mergent Intellect also incorporates Dun and Bradstreet to search for private companies.