ERIC stands for the Educational Resources Information Center and is a database produced by the US Department of Education. It contains thousands of published and unpublished sources (including dissertations and conference proceedings) covering education and educational research from 1966 to present.
To access ERIC from the library homepage, click on "Find a Database," then select "E," then scroll down to "ERIC (at EBSCOhost)" on the list.
Not all items in ERIC are available online in full-text. The items with EJ numbers are journal articles that may be available through other library databases. You may need to search for the journal by title to make sure we have access to the journal and issue with the article. Items that are available through ERIC (at EBSCOhost) will be available in one or more of the following ways:
Full-text PDF in ERIC
Full-text HTML in ERIC. This can be read in your browser
Full Text from ERIC. This link will take you to the item on the ERIC website
Items that are not available directly through ERIC may still be available through the library. Some articles have a "Find It" button. Click this to locate the article in another database.
You can also search other databases that contain information on education and educational research.