Q: How can I access current issues of the Economist?
To find a recent issue of the Economist, follow the steps below. The library has access to full-color PDFs of issues of the Economist, and you can page through them just like you would a physical copy.
Type "Economist" into the search box and click Search.
Find the correct version of the Economist in the search results. Look for the version that says "London: Economist Newspaper Ltd. 1843). Click "Online access."
In the screen that pops up, look for the version of the Economist in "ProQuest Central - GALILEO" that's available from 1992, and click the link.
This link will take you to the journal page in ProQuest Central.From here, you can search for a specific article or topic, or browse by issue. Using ProQuest Central to view the Economist, you can open a full-color PDF of each page of the Economist, and page through it as you would a physical copy.
To find a particular issue (like the most recent issue):
Scroll down to the "Browse specific issues" section.