There is no password for any of the Dell Laptops or MacBooks.
You cannot login with your NetID and password into any of the laptops.
Save your work continuously to an external source (such as a flash drive or dropbox) as you work. Once computers logout, shutdown, or restart there will be no way to recover your work.
Dell Laptops Decal Numbers 529-542: there is a generic Library Checkout login and no password. However, if leaving the password blank and hitting enter does not allow you to login, you must restart the laptop for the library login to reset.
Dell Laptops Decal Numbers 781-794: simply leave the password field blank and hit enter or click on the arrow next to the password field. If it still won't let you login, try restarting the computer.
MacBooks: the computer must be restarted to open up without asking for login information. If you have trouble restarting the computer, please bring it to the Information Desk.
If you're using one of the desktops in the Information Commons, you can sign in using your NetID and password.
For any further questions about laptops, please visit the Information Desk or call us at:
Sturgis Library Check Out Desk: 470-578-6202
Johnson Library Check Out Desk: 470-578-7276
For more information
If you have questions about campus computers or software, please contact UITS.