Q: As an alumni, can I get access to GALILEO from my home computer?
Both Sturgis Library at Kennesaw Campus and Johnson Library at Marietta Campus welcome KSU (or former SPSU) alumni and all members of the Georgia public to use our facilities for computer access, searching databases, and reference services.
However, there are some restrictions:
KSU alumni cannot use library services that get materials from other libraries, such as Interlibrary Loan or GIL Express.
KSU alumni cannot access databases from off-campus.
A good place to try if you need database access is your public library. Public libraries in Georgia often have access to many of the same databases as KSU such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and eBooks on EBSCOHost. Of course, different public libraries may offer different databases, but it's a great place to try!
For more information
If you have questions about campus computers or software, please contact UITS.