There are different ways to research using primary documents:
You can run a SuperSearch on the Library System's homepage. Once you have your search results, scroll down to the box on the left side that shows “Source Types,” select “Show More.” Finally, click the box next to “Primary Source Documents.” This action will limit your results to primary sources only.
Keep in mind that photographs, some books (such as autobiographies and diaries) as well as other material may be considered primary sources, as well, but these items may be not be included if you select “Primary Source Documents.”
You can also click on the "Databases by Subject & Type" link under the SuperSearch box. You will see a link for Archives and Primary Sources in the Databases by Information Type box. This will give you a long list of all of the library databases with primary sources.
You can also search newspapers for contemporary accounts of historic events.
Feel free to contact a librarian for more specific help about your topic and resources.